Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Makes you wonder if...

It's been quite sometime since I watched a Bollywood movie played by Aamir Khan that I really enjoyed, last being "Dil Chata Hai" .
Last Weekend I finally got to watch "Rang de Basanthi" or in English "Paint it Saffron" which was released in January 2006 . This movies was on my watchlist of movies to see, and finally got a fair copy of the DVD last weekend.

Cutting a long story short, it was about making changes where it mattered and how it matters to a citizen.

Whether the timing of the movie or the choice of movie chosen that made me to reflect on the current use or misuse of tax payers monies by the Government and all the noise of abuse of power and corruption ( I am being verrryy diplomatic here)

Quote from the movie that will stick in my memory for a long time now

"There are only two ways to lead your life -- Either, let things happen in their own way, keep tolerating it. Or, take responsibility to change it"

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Money isn't everything but it's way ahead of whatever's in second place

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


"Life without liberty is like a body without spirit." - Khalil Gibran


I could not not resist it anymore.. I had to join in and contribute my 5 cents worth on the Web.